Pain or swelling in the feet is an early symptom of ankle osteoarthritis.


Pain or swelling in the feet is an early symptom of ankle osteoarthritis.

Pain or swelling in the feet is one of the initial symptoms of ankle osteoarthritis..✅

The initial symptoms of ankle osteoarthritis, which patients often suffer from, are: pain, swelling of the foot, and stiffness of the ankle joint may occur. While the severe symptoms of this disease are pain with every step the patient takes with his feet, which may cause him to be unable to control walking properly, which exposes him to falling easily and suffering fractures

The pain in the foot may make the patient not want to walk, and this can lead to muscle weakness later. Therefore, if the pain interferes with daily life, the patient should see a doctor immediately. To diagnose the pain points, and check the range of motion of the ankle. As the doctor will request an X-ray, to assess the severity of the disease, and then get the appropriate treatment

Usually, the doctor begins in the early stages of treatment, is physical therapy. In addition to wearing ankle supports and choosing special shoes that fit the foot. Physical therapy includes doing exercises that help stretch and strengthen the muscles. In addition to using painkillers to relieve pain

If the symptoms do not improve after the previous treatments, or become more severe, the doctor will recommend surgical treatment, either by correcting the shape of the foot, or by replacing or repairing the ankle joint, depending on the location and severity of the disease

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